The National Broadband Network (nbn TM) expansion has been a long time coming for Australian businesses. While the nbn TM promises to deliver better internet connectivity for enterprises nationwide, disruption and delays have so far been the primary effects, making the current challenges posed to medical facilities important to note too.

What is the nbnTM and what are the intended benefits?

The nbn TM is designed to replace fixed line communications services currently in operation with higher-speed options such as fibre optic cables or fixed wireless. The rollout is designed to offer better internet connectivity to businesses all over the country. Benefits include:

  • Better internet will mean improved data storage and patient-doctor communication ability.
  • Improved internet connectivity will allow medical facilities to move certain services digitally, streamlining their operations.
  • Moving more medical services online will also mean healthcare managers can optimise medical facility space.
Improved internet connectivity could change the services offered within medical facilities, meaning spaces can be optimised. Improved internet connectivity could change the services offered within medical facilities, meaning spaces can be optimised.

What is the current impact of the nbnTM rollout project?

Despite these positives, the nbnTM ‘s current impact on medical facilities is mostly disruptive thanks to project delays and phasing out old communications infrastructure. A survey of 850 business statewide, organised by the NSW Business Chamber, shows the extent to which organisations are having to ride a storm before the calm:

  • On average, NSW businesses reported the nbnTM was costing $9,000 over the course of the upgrade, due to disruptions, investing in new equipment and lost custom.
  • Just under 40 per cent of enterprises reported having to wait more than a month to have their service up and running.
  • Nearly half of businesses were either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the nbnTM .

Initial disruption to your day-to-day and patchy internet are as inevitable as the nbn TM switch is compulsory. This means healthcare providers have to minimise the ways the nbn TM rollout may affect medical facility communications and connectivity. One answer is to consider the design of your medical facility – can you make expert renovations to improve layout, or is it worth investing in a new build?

You should consider how to optimise your medical facility's design in preparation for nbn changes.You should consider how to optimise your medical facility’s design in preparation for nbn TM changes.

How can your medical facility minimise disruption?

Seeing how the nbnTM affects medical facilities currently, it makes sense to optimise ongoing renovation projects or new builds around what will improve your site’s connectivity in the years to come. This is when healthcare businesses will be able to enjoy the benefits of improved internet connectivity. Working with design experts now to future-proof your medical facility is an extremely positive next step.

Space for Health has a team of experts in medical facility design and construction, working tirelessly with clients all over the country to ensure their healthcare business is prepared for change. For more information on how medical facility design can help address the impact of your nbn TM service rollout, contact Space for Health today.